Since 2009 Fox Valley Career Center (FVCC) has provided Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) training to high school seniors in Illinois. Superior Air-Ground Ambulance Service, Inc is a proud supporter and partner of FVCC. Last week, on Friday, April 14th, 2023, FVCC hosted its annual “EMS Jamboree.” This all-day event is dedicated to enhancing these students’ EMT skills, allowing them to meet with industry leaders, participate in mock interviews, and build their confidence leading to their NREMT examination. Superior sent members of their leadership team, EMTs, and helicopter to the Jamboree. Superior team members assisted as instructors and mentors throughout the day, two of which previously graduated from FVCC EMT class. Sarah Lakomek, EMT and one of FVCC’s former students, said, “When I was a student, this event was one of the highlights of my high school experience. It is surreal to be able to return every year as an EMT and an instructor. Having Superior support FVCC and working for Superior provides me the opportunity to continue to stay involved and make sure that this event continues to grow and improve so it can be such a memorable moment for them as it was for me.” FVCC Assistant Director Vida Martin was “amazed and overwhelmed by the support provided to make this event possible.”
Superior was also excited to announce their sponsorship of nine EMT students to participate in the SkillsUSA Illinois Conference at the end of April. This multi-day conference allows EMT students from across the state to compete in simulated EMT scenarios. The sponsorship covers each student’s transportation, lodging, and registration costs so they can focus on what is important- being the best EMT they can be. By establishing solid relationships with EMT programs such as Fox Valley Career Center, Superior is protecting the future of the EMS industry. “We have the opportunity to meet with students who have an entire life in front of them and expose them to the exciting avenues they can take within EMS and show them what a rewarding career this can be. The COVID-19 pandemic took a toll on our industry here in Illinois and nationwide. We must show people this is still an amazing, safe, and satisfying career. This is a career that they can take a lot of pride in,” said Grant Landbo, a paramedic and member of Superior’s leadership team who started as a student at Fox Valley Career Center. Superior is dedicated to continuing to support Fox Valley Career Center and other local EMT classes in the future.